Portage Michigan Biking | Celery Flats | Presidential Brewing, Michigan

We are at Celery Flats in Portage Michigan and decide to rent bikes and ride along the Portage Creek Bicentennial Trail and ..."

Portage Michigan Biking | Celery Flats | Presidential Brewing
We are at Celery Flats in Portage Michigan and decide to rent bikes and ride along the Portage Creek Bicentennial Trail and ...
mi playground
May 6, 2022

Video of Portage "Portage Michigan Biking | Celery Flats | Presidential Brewing" added to our site on May 6, 2022, by mi playground.

Text description of video "Portage Michigan Biking | Celery Flats | Presidential Brewing" is We are at Celery Flats in Portage Michigan and decide to rent bikes and ride along the Portage Creek Bicentennial Trail and ...

Video Portage Michigan Biking | Celery Flats | Presidential Brewing has duration 3m 26s

Users of our site have viewed this video 137 times.

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Portage Michigan Biking | Celery Flats | Presidential Brewing information

Published May 6, 2022
Views 137
Duration 3m 26s
Added by mi playground